Join us for our regular Table Conversations. We have good food and interesting topic to discuss.
Time | 6:15 (for a 6:30 start) until 8:30pm, monthly on a Thursday |
Location | St Kilda Uniting Church, 163 Chapel Street, St Kilda |
Bookings | For catering purposes it’s good to know you’re coming. Text or phone… see the event below |
Cost | A donation to cover the cost of dinner |
BYO | Your own drinks or a bottle to share |
All welcome | Bring your friends |
These nice meetings at a dinner table are for everyone who wants to know more about a topic (announced upfront) and also wishes to enjoy the unique culinary experience by Janet and Brian.
Next Event
2017 Speakers and Topics
To give you a better idea of our discussions, we list the topics of the 163 Table Conversations from 2017:
November 28th, 2017 Rob Hess – talking about women in Australian Rules football. RSVP Janet on 0417670132
October 10th, 2017 Terry Lobart – telling us about the penguins in St Kilda.
September 12th, 2017 Chris Booth from Indigenious Hospitality House (IHH), Carlton North. The House provides accommodation for Abriginal and Torres Strait Islander people who have hospital business in Melbourne. Chris Booth – alerting us to our settler language.
August 8th, 2017 Our next 163 Conversation will be on Tuesday 8th August at 6.15p.m. for 6.30p.m. light meal. Then we will have a local, Jane Crouch to talk about her work at The Fred Hollows Foundation. As usual please bring a drink to share and a donation toward the meal. We will finish as usual by 8.30p.m.
July 18th, 2017 The speaker will be Ro Allen, Commissioner for Gender and Sexuality. We expect this to be a popular event.
June 20th, 2017 The speaker will be Rev. Barbara Allen who will be talking about the place of animals in different religions.
May 9th, 2017 Steve Kearney Campus Principal Oakwood School – Caulfield Park Community School Flexible Educational Options. Steve has had extensive experience in the alternative education sector. One size does not fit all in the education sector. His school is focussed on social justice – looking to ensure that all young people have a quality education.
April 11th, 2017 John Enticott, General Manager of St Kilda Community Housing Ltd, will speak on A Future for Affordable Housing in Australia John has had 40 years’ experience in housing. He is passionate about housing and believes the Housing Crisis is hitting its peak. Everyone is looking for solutions.
March 21st, 2017 Emeritus Professor Joseph Camilleri OAM La Tobe University Some thoughts on the Middle East. Joe could speak on any number of topics like nuclear weapons containment, science and religion, trauma, violence prevention… This conversation will be from his extensive knowledge of the countries in the middle east.
February 14th, 2017 Rev Peter Batten Spirituality in Play. Peter is a Uniting Church minister (Northcote Uniting Church…Chalice), Creative Arts Therapist and accredited InterPlay leader. He often muses how spirituality, art and creativity can be integrated into daily life. “Through art, play and finding our inner creative self we can build resiliency and connect mind, body and spirit”. (Peter) He has a background in sacred clowning/mime, he has led workshops in play, clown skills and performed clown in a variety of settings. Peter has taught mindfulness and meditation to many people and has facilitated a variety of art therapy groups and worked 1:1 in therapeutic settings. This conversation will be interactive and explore how a playful attitude can bring life in abundance in our topsy-turvy world.
Recent Table Conversations have included: Tarsha Jago from the Youth Team of ‘Recognition’ the organisation promoting the inclusion of aboriginal people in the Australian Constitution; TEAR Youth Ambassador Matilda Douglas for NAIDOC week; and Frederico Marcon of Plan International speaking about Foreign Aid.