Make & Mend
South Melbourne 325 Dorcas St, South Melbourne, VIC, AustraliaShare and learn skills to make, mend, sew, knit, reuse and repurpose - or just drop by for a coffee and a chat! Sewing machines available to use and afternoon…
Share and learn skills to make, mend, sew, knit, reuse and repurpose - or just drop by for a coffee and a chat! Sewing machines available to use and afternoon…
Join us for food and friendship every Thursday evening, 5.30-7 pm This free meal is open to everyone in our community - delicious food and good company! Find us in…
For children aged 0-4 with their parent/s or carers Meet other local families Enjoy a relaxed playtime indoors and outdoors and gardening & nature activities in the community garden. Uniting…
Join us at the Simply Living Community Garden to dig, plant, water, compost, grow, prune, learn and share. 3rd Saturday of the month, 10-11 am November - tomato planting and…
Our weekly worship held at our church in South Melbourne. Worship to nourish your soul and engage your senses. Holy Communion on the 1st Sunday of the month. We are…
Join us at the Simply Living Community Garden to dig, plant, water, grow, prune, learn and share. Mondays 1-2pm
Everyone who loves to sing is welcome to join our community choir, led by Peter Hagen Rehearsals Mondays 7.30-9.30 pm in the church, 325 Dorcas St, South Melbourne
Share and learn skills to make, mend, sew, knit, reuse and repurpose - or just drop by for a coffee and a chat! Sewing machines available to use and afternoon…
Join us for food and friendship every Thursday evening, 5.30-7 pm This free meal is open to everyone in our community - delicious food and good company! Find us in…
For children aged 0-4 with their parent/s or carers Meet other local families Enjoy a relaxed playtime indoors and outdoors and gardening & nature activities in the community garden. Uniting…