Looking for a church event near your location? In our ‘What’s On’ section, you can browse the upcoming local church events organised or recommended by our church and its members. Find a local Christian event now.

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Christian Events Recommended by Us

People often look for Christian events that will take place in the near future and they can participate at. In our calendar, we list a lot of events that are either directly organised by St Kilda Uniting Church and its members or are recommended by the Minister, Church Council, or any other member of the congregation. Some of these events are not “Christian” in the exact sense of this word, however, could be events that promote tolerance and acceptance between different churches and faiths, points at people needing help such as different fundraisers, movies, etc., display arts in its various forms and much more. Just explore the Event Calendar by moving between months, hover over a particular event to see an expanded description or click on it to see full event details including the venue address, organizer and contacts.

Get to Know Us

St Kilda Uniting Church Authentic Expression of the Jesus Movement


Prayers written by different members of our congregation to reflect on what is happening around us and in the community. Prayers for families, justice, peace, ourselves, others, prayers about diversity and many more.

St Kilda Uniting Church Songs and Hymns Written

Songs and Hymns

At St Kilda Uniting Church, we believe that songs and hymns represent the cornerstone of our faith. Having songs reflecting the world we live in is crucial for understanding the role of God and Christianity in our lives.

St Kilda Uniting Church 140th Anniversary 20170521 17

Our People

Meet members of our congregation. Read their short profiles and answers to questions about their involvement with St Kilda Uniting Church, the meaning of faith for them or what they are look forward to.